
Savoury Basics 咸味底料

“Savoury Basics” can be used as a base for soups, stock, stir-fry, casseroles, patties or any savoury recipe.“咸味底料”可以用来当作汤羹、食材、炒菜、砂锅菜、小馅饼或者其他菜肴的底味。

Ingredients 制作材料1 large fresh Onion 1只大个的新鲜洋葱4 cloves fresh Garlic 4瓣鲜蒜瓣2 teaspoons fresh Ginger 2茶匙新鲜生姜2 tablespoons Tamari sauce 2汤匙日本酱油1 tablespoon Coconut Oil 1汤匙冷榨椰子油或者橄榄油 MethodChop vegetables finely. 将蔬菜切碎。Heat fry pan and lightly stir-f…

Ingredients 制作材料

1 large fresh Onion 1只大个的新鲜洋葱

4 cloves fresh Garlic 4瓣鲜蒜瓣

2 teaspoons fresh Ginger 2茶匙新鲜生姜

2 tablespoons Tamari sauce 2汤匙日本酱油

1 tablespoon Coconut Oil 1汤匙冷榨椰子油或者橄榄油



Chop vegetables finely. 将蔬菜切碎。

Heat fry pan and lightly stir-fry vegetables in oil. 把煎锅加热,用油将蔬菜用旺火稍稍翻炒一下。

Add Tamari sauce.加入日本酱油。

Enjoy the anti-inflammatory effects of eating these ingredients on a regular basis!如果定期食用的话,会有消炎抗肿的疗效!